sandplay counselling

My Services


What is Sandplay?

Sandplay is a holistic and interactive approach to counselling.

The client will use miniature objects (symbols) that represent all aspects of life and place them in a desired position inside the sand tray. By consciously placing them in the sand they are able to gain a clearer understanding of their inner or unconscious world. The symbols give them assistance to express themselves beyond words. The scene they create gives them an outward focus and often acts as a reflection of their life which allows them the opportunity to resolve conflicts, remove obstacles and gain empowerment, awareness and self acceptance that they may not otherwise have been able to achieve.

Sandplay is a deep process that allows movement within the client that is profound and often gets to the very heart of their issue.


Areas where Sandplay is helpful…

Anxiety and depression

Panic attacks

Healing traumas

Grief and loss

Health issues

Relationships and family issues



Bullying and behaviour issues

Anger and tantrums

Decision making

Unblocking creativity

Personal development